03 Emarginula fissura COMPARE E. rosea & E. crassa

03 Emarginula fissura COMPARE E. rosea & E. crassa

Data comparison of profile heights of E. fissura with E. crassa (lower profile), and E. rosea (higher profile). Data for E. fissura and E. rosea are calculated from carefully posed specimens showing a range of profiles on plates created by Jakov Prkić for a book in preparation on Adriatic mollusca. Specimens (dots) which fall outside the usual ranges may be found occasionally. Data for E. crassa are based on text in Graham (1988), Jeffreys (1865) and on un-posed photographs; its limits are very uncertain but all sources agree that has a lower profile than the other two species.
Full SPECIES DESCRIPTION at flic.kr/p/2odgEy1