03 Margarites helicinus. Height 4.1mm, diameter 5.2 mm. Orkney, Scotland. May 2017. Leg. S.Taylor.

03 Margarites helicinus. Height 4.1mm, diameter 5.2 mm. Orkney, Scotland. May 2017. Leg. S.Taylor.

Surface smooth; sculpture is restricted to slight spiral striae (1) on the base and growth lines that are faint (2) except where they run into (3) the umbilicus.
Aperture is almost circular, large; occupies about 50% of the base.
The transparent, horn coloured, circular, spiral operculum has about 12 narrow coils and a central concavity externally (4) and a small central boss internally (5). On live specimens, the pale opercular disc (6) and grey reticulation (7) of the foot-dorsum are usually visible through the operculum.
