04 Gibbula magus. Height 17.5 mm, breadth 19.5 mm Cardigan Bay, Wales. 2015.

04 Gibbula magus. Height 17.5 mm, breadth 19.5 mm Cardigan Bay, Wales. 2015.

Frequent form in Cardigan Bay lacking red marks.

1: columellar lip overhanging umbilicus.
2: slight rounded protuberance on basal flat part of white columellar lip.
3: parietal lip a glaze on body whorl.
4: transverse growth line; irregular as lip damaged before new growth added.
5: elongate flexed knobs forming cable pattern on adapical step of whorl. Knobs often less prominent on littoral specimens as worn down.

01 Gibbula magus. Large specimen, height (apex to base of shell) 25.5 mm, breadth 31.5 mm. Cardigan Bay, Wales. 2015.
