05 Cingula trifasciata

05 Cingula trifasciata

Body-whorl has three spiral brown bands (1, 2 & 3) visible on exterior and in the aperture. Spire-whorls have band 3 and a narrow remnant of 2. Band 1 makes an incomplete circuit round the base of the columella. Band 2 is greatly reduced in width where it enters the aperture, and band 3 continues onto the spire whorls. Bands are less clear on the small whorls  (4) near the apex. There are fine costal striae on all whorls except the apex, and spiral striae are visible on the body-whorl and adjacent spire-whorl. Height 3.8 mm. In silt between rock strata at MHWS, Orkney. June 1973.