07 Trivia monacha

07 Trivia monacha

Early-stage post veliger juvenile has helicoid spiral shell, as usual for gastropods, but lacks operculum and periostracum. Shell entirely translucent white. After this stage the size of the spire relative to body whorl reduces with growth until entirely enveloped by body whorl. Measurements are of this individual; others may vary.

1: body-whorl ovoid.

2: distinct small spire of three convex whorls with distinct sutures, 15.5% of shell-height.

3: body whorl 92% of height.

4: D-shaped aperture 84% of shell-height; wide open basally, narrowing adapically.

5: adapical angle about 25º.

6: very short, thin columellar lip basally; no other lip on body whorl on inner side of aperture.

7: thin, semi-circular palatal (outer) lip.

8: no sculpture apart from fine prosocline growth lines.

6.4 mm high. Orkney 1975.