09 Gibbula magus. Height 19 mm, breadth 25 mm. Cardigan Bay, Wales. 2015.

09 Gibbula magus. Height 19 mm, breadth 25 mm.  Cardigan Bay, Wales. 2015.

Radiating marks of various shades of red, including red-black, are found on shells from southern Europe and the English channel, but further north in Wales and Scotland the majority of some populations lack red markings. This specimen was the only one with extensive red markings in over a hundred mainly white specimens seen in a littoral population in Cardigan Bay, Wales.

Internally, shell is glossy-white apart from matt-white band bordering lip. Often, as in this case, with a pinkish tinge on red-patterned specimens. No internal reddish marks.

01 Gibbula magus. Large specimen, height (apex to base of shell) 25.5 mm, breadth 31.5 mm. Cardigan Bay, Wales. 2015.
