10 Tritia reticulata

10 Tritia reticulata

Apex of shell 24.7 mm high. Protoconch partly eroded.
The apical protoconch is the same size on all stages of growth, but is smaller relative to shell size, and liable to be eroded on adults such as this. It is smooth and white with a little more than 2 whorls (Sanjuan, 1997). It lacks undulation on its perimeter which indicates teleoconch costae on later part of whorl 3. The aggregate account of Fretter & Graham (1985) state 2.3 whorls, c.1mm diameter; this accords with Sanjuan (1997) for T. reticulata s.s., but only 1.8 complete whorls on some British shells, see 09Tr 09 Tritia reticulata .
Dorset, England. April 2012.
