11 Myosotella myosotis. Adult. Height 7.5 mm. Salting on Severn Estuary, Gloucestershire, England. August 2011.

11 Myosotella myosotis. Adult. Height 7.5 mm. Salting on Severn Estuary, Gloucestershire, England. August 2011.

1: pale band on the exterior of the slightly translucent adult shell is caused by the pale ridge within the aperture.

For a clear view of the diagnostic features within the aperture it is necessary to prod (e.g. with eyeliner brush) the animal to retract completely, and to tilt the shell at different angles.
2: features obscured by animal.
ADULT (over 6.5mm high) features . See image 3Mm 03 Myosotella myosotis apertural views. Salting on Severn Estuary, Gloucestershire, England. August 2011. for different juvenile features.
3: shell tilted to show interior, pale, calcareous ridge close to its palatal lip.
4: single raised white denticle often within the ridge.
5: shell tilted to show three protrusions (folds and denticle) on columellar/parietal lip.
