14 Bittium reticulatum album, Cerithiopsis tubercularis for comparison. Shell heights 3.8mm & 4.9mm. Menai Strait, North Wales. March 2012.

14 Bittium reticulatum album, Cerithiopsis tubercularis for comparison. Shell heights 3.8mm & 4.9mm. Menai Strait, North Wales. March 2012.

1: some C. tubercularis have a translucent white body with no pigment.
2: some C. tubercularis have a translucent white body with black and/or yellow pigment, usually in discrete areas, not randomly intermixed mottling. Amounts of pigment vary even on the same individual, such as this one with a black pigment line behind and below its left eye but not by its right eye.

Tentacles usually translucent white without pigment.
