16 Pusillina inconspicua

16 Pusillina inconspicua

1: pale-yellow salivary glands retracted into head so snout translucent whitish.
2: opaque white marks on snout .
4: whitish anterior pedal mucous gland.
5: broad, dark, transverse band to anterior of mid-point of foot.
6: weakly developed purple-black peripheral line on foot.
7: projecting posterior of opercular lobe is whitish.
8: dorsal surface of foot translucent greyish-white.
9: opaque-white posterior pedal gland visible laterally in posterior half of foot.
10: yellowish operculum.
11: weakly developed purple-black dorso-lateral line.
12: long finger-like metapodial tentacle
13: orange-brown, oval, faecal pellet (colour may vary with diet).. Height 2.2mm. Foot folded at transverse constriction. Llŷn Peninsula, Wales. March 2015.