16 Barleeia unifasciata

16  Barleeia unifasciata

Head comparison with similar species.

B: Barleeia unifasciata, head and snout pale-yellowish usually overlaid dorsally with black or brown pigment. Cephalic tentacles translucent white with swollen, yellow base and substantial, longitudinal, yellow line.
C: Cingula trifasciata, head and snout translucent white showing some internal yellow and red features. Cephalic tentacles translucent white
L: Lacuna vincta, head and snout translucent white or yellow, may be blotched aquamarine, showing some internal pink features. Cephalic tentacles translucent whitish.
P: Peringia ulvae, head and snout have variable amounts of black. Long, tapering, translucent white, cephalic tentacles with opaque white or pinkish basal eye-patch and opaque white longitudinal line with sub-terminal, transverse black bar.