16 Velutina velutina. Shell height 10mm. Gairloch, North-west Scotland. May 2019. Leg. D. McKay & S. Taylor & COMPARISON image of V. plicatilis. Moray Coast, North-east Scotland. May 2018. © C. Rickard.

16 Velutina velutina. Shell height 10mm. Gairloch, North-west Scotland.  May 2019. Leg. D. McKay &  S. Taylor & COMPARISON image of V. plicatilis. Moray Coast, North-east Scotland. May 2018. © C. Rickard.

Labels 2, 6, 7 match those in ‘Key features’ and ‘Similar species’ section of main account below image 03 Velutina velutina. Shell height 10 mm. ELWS. Gairloch, North-west Scotland. May 2019. Leg. D. McKay & S. Taylor..
2 When live, V. velutina shell is weakly translucent and only indistinctly shows the viscera.
6 When live and active, mantle may extend beyond the aperture rim, but only reflected onto the shell at the rear of the aperture ( columellar/parietal lips). [See also 09 Velutina velutina. Shell height 10 mm. ELWS. Gairloch, North-west Scotland. May 2019. Leg. D. McKay & S. Taylor. ]
7 Flesh translucent white with fine, opaque white stipple [See also 06 Velutina velutina. Shell height 10 mm. ELWS. Gairloch, North-west Scotland. May 2019. Leg. D. McKay & S. Taylor. ]. Mantle white, cream and/or yellowish white. [See also 07 Velutina velutina. Shell height 10mm. ELWS. Gairloch, North-west Scotland. May 2019. Leg. D. McKay & S. Taylor. ]
2p When live, V. plicatilis shell is translucent often showing form and colour of viscera within; mainly yellow and orange. (Varies with lighting and amount of epizooic growths).
6p When live and active, mantle is obviously reflected a short way onto the shell all around the aperture.
7p Flesh and mantle bright yellow or orange.
