18 Littorina compressa. 9.2mm high. West coast of Anglesey, Wales. March 2015.

18 Littorina compressa. 9.2mm high. West coast of Anglesey, Wales. March 2015.

Dorsolateral lines on tentacles (1) so expanded that tentacles are almost entirely blackish.
Mantle translucent yellowish near rim of aperture (2) but pigmented dark grey further in (3) where it forms roof of mantle cavity.
Five large mamilliform glands (4) in a single row along ventral edge of penis.
Base of penis wrinkled, with some black pigment (5).
Filament (tip of penis beyond glands) triangular (6), less than 5% of total length of penis; tip on this specimen is somewhat mucronate (like L. saxatilis s.s.).