20 Steromphala cineraria. Menai Strait, Feb. 2014.

20 Steromphala cineraria. Menai Strait, Feb. 2014.

Right neck-lobe smooth-edged, curved into chute/half-siphon with U cross-section; cilia on surface create exhalent current for respiratory water, ova or sperm, and excreta.
Posterior of right neck-lobe continues as right epipodium bearing three epipodial tentacles.
Anterior of right neck-lobe fused to eye peduncle.
Wide white rectum tapers to anus positioned over chute of right neck-lobe.
Dorsal surface of foot densely covered in quadrilateral tubercles arranged in rows parallel to perimeter. Ground colour yellowish with brown pigment in all grooves between tubercles.