23 Patella depressa. Shell-length 28mm. Shell removed; mantle exposed. Lleyn, Wales. September 2015.

23 Patella depressa. Shell-length 28mm. Shell removed; mantle exposed. Lleyn, Wales. September 2015.

1: bundles in horseshoe-shaped pedal-retractor muscle.
2: extra large muscle bundle to pull down anterior of shell.
3: anterior-mantle attachment between nuchal cavity and viscera.
4: amphora-shaped black mantle covering viscera.
5: pale patch within black amphora may be related to excavated vertex patch on shell of this specimen (see 11 Patella depressa. Length 28mm, height 9.4mm. Lleyn, Wales. September 2015. ).
6: black mantle covering pallial-groove (grey when viewed from below, see image 20 Patella depressa. Length 27mm. Lleyn, Wales. September 2015. ).
7: translucent mantle-skirt.
8: opaque, pigmented, chalky-white pallial tentacles.
