24 Tectura virginea. Shell-length 10mm. Male; viscera removed down to muscles of sole, apart from radula and odontophore. North Yorkshire. September 2014.

24 Tectura virginea. Shell-length 10mm. Male; viscera removed down to muscles of sole, apart from radula and odontophore. North Yorkshire. September 2014.

1: purple-black eye at base of cephalic tentacle. (images 21-24Tv)
2: yellow-buff odontophore supporting distal section of golden radula (24Tv)
4: radula longer than shell so looped to and fro among viscera to fit inside body (23-24Tv)
5: yellowish-white radula sac, where teeth formed, enclosing proximal section of radula (24Tv)
15: severed U-shape shell-muscle (20-24Tv)
16: part of mantle skirt (20-22Tv &24Tv)
17: muscles of left side of sole (24Tv)
