25 Differentiation L. obtusata/L. fabalis

25 Differentiation L. obtusata/L. fabalis

L. fabalis.
Citrina colour form; exterior various shades of yellow (grading to white). Usually the commonest colour of L. fabalis on shores well sheltered from waves, but not diagnostic as it also occurs on L. obtusata (see 27Dof 27 Differentiation L. obtusata/L. fabalis ) on the same shores. The pure white initial whorls are the surviving white juvenile whorls found frequently, but not always, on L. fabalis of most colour forms. They mimic the white spiral cases of spirorbid worms that live with L. fabalis on Fucus serratus fronds.
Menai Strait, North Wales. February 2011.
Full account at: 02 Differentiation L. obtusata/L. fabalis
