27 Myosotella myosotis. Adapical angle of aperture. Salting on Dee Estuary, Cheshire, England. May 2018. Photographed in air.

27 Myosotella myosotis. Adapical angle of aperture. Salting on Dee Estuary, Cheshire, England. May 2018. Photographed in air.

Unlike marine prosobranch gastropods, which defecate into a mantle cavity that is cleared by water currents, M. myosotis has a rectum that opens to the exterior through an anus in a folded part of the mantle-collar in the adapical angle of the aperture (1), near to, but separate from, the pneumostome (2) so that faeces are expelled without fouling the respiratory mantle-cavity.
3: mantle collar.
4: side of body.
5: sole of foot.
