28 Myosotella myosotis. Shell height 7.4 mm. Salting on Dee Estuary, Cheshire, England. May 2018. Photographed in water.

28 Myosotella myosotis. Shell height 7.4 mm. Salting on Dee Estuary, Cheshire, England. May 2018. Photographed in water.

When not feeding, the muzzle of the head forms a shallow curve (1) over the mouth in anterior view, and a steep anterior in profile view (2). The head has two cephalic tentacles, conical when extended and swollen with water (3). When not extended, they are contracted into crumpled stumps (4); not retracted by inversion into the body.The distal half of the tentacles, sometimes slightly bulbous, is brownish and contains sensory chemoreceptor cells (Wondrak, 1984) (5).
Near the anterior edge of the muzzle are two button-like, faintly-brownish grey pads (6, “fungiform bodies” of Wondrak, 1984) which also contain sensory cells.
