32 Differentiation L. obtusata/L. fabalis

32 Differentiation L. obtusata/L. fabalis

Identity uncertain as the penes of similar adults were not examined because the collector (IFS) was unaware of differentiation of the two species in 1971. L. fabalis is usually the smaller species at equivalent growth stages. On this beach there were two sets of specimens with thin spouted juvenile lips. This set of the smaller form, shell heights 1.5 to 1.7mm, is entirely of the reticulata colour form and probably L. fabalis. The set of the larger form, shell heights circa 3.5 to 5mm, included inversicolor specimens and was probably L. obtusata 31Dof 31 Differentiation L. obtusata/L. fabalis .
Full account at: 02 Differentiation L. obtusata/L. fabalis
Shell heights 1.5 mm to 1.7 mm. Rosehearty, Moray coast, Scotland. January, 1971.
