35 Myosotella myosotis. Salting on tidal River Dee, Flintshire, Wales. December 2018.

35 Myosotella myosotis.  Salting on tidal River Dee, Flintshire, Wales. December 2018.

Left: body removed from shell.
Right: as 1 but flattened under glass; translucent roof of mantle cavity indistinctly shows head and body below (1).
Both images clearly show the yellow digestive gland (2) with loops of the intestine passing through it, as the overlying mantle is virtually transparent.
Unlike the spiral viscera of most gastropods, the viscera of M. myosotis, after the columella and septa are resorbed (see 8Mm 08 Myosotella myosotis. Height 8.8 mm. Shell-wall removed to show interior. Salting on Dee Estuary, Cheshire, England. June 1997. & 9Mm 09 Myosotella myosotis. 8mm high. Shell cut transversely, and part of spire wall removed to show interior. Salting on Dee Estuary, Cheshire, England. June 1997. ), form a non-spiracular, approximate cone to fill the spire, with a small colourless tip (3) formed in the shell’s early pre-resorption stage.
