35 Patella ulyssiponensis. Shell and mantle removed. Shell length 24.7mm. North Yorkshire. September 2014.

35 Patella ulyssiponensis. Shell and mantle removed. Shell length 24.7mm. North Yorkshire. September 2014.

For same specimen with digestive gland intact and no organ removed see image 54 Patella ulyssiponensis. Shell and mantle removed. Shell length 24.7mm. North Yorkshire. September 2014.
1: green ovary protruding from below viscera.
2: long coiled intestine compacts faeces into firm strings that will not contaminate gills in pallial groove. Faeces yellowish from high lime content obtained from calcareous algae.
3: stomach (?).
4: rectum.
5: elongate ventricle of heart within translucent pericardium.
6: elongate auricle of heart within translucent pericardium.
7: ova.
8: large pink odontophore in buccal mass in translucent head.
9: severed anterior pedal-retractor muscle bundle (largest bundle).
10: urogenital opening (?).
11: severed bundle in pedal-retractor muscle.
12: anus.
13: position of mostly-removed orange-brown digestive gland.
