37 Patella pellucida. Length 10.1mm. Growth Stage 5 holdfast dweller (GS5h). March 2017. West Anglesey, Wales.

37 Patella pellucida. Length 10.1mm.  Growth Stage 5 holdfast dweller (GS5h).  March 2017. West Anglesey, Wales.

The exterior surface of holdfast dwellers is less smooth than on frond and stipe dwellers and, on this one, is completely coated with epizoic animals except the smoother juvenile growth and the most recently deposited shell at the rim.
This shows well the interior iridescence, but scars left by muscle and mantle attachment are indistinct.

Part 1, SHELL FORMS: 02 Patella pellucida. Growth Stage 2 (GS2). July 2012. Littoral. North Yorkshire, England. © P. Lightfoot.
Part 2, BODY & ANATOMY: 03 Patella pellucida. Growth Stage 3 (GS3). 2009. Sublittoral, Farne Islands, Northumberland, England. © P.Lightfoot.
Part, 3 HABITS & ECOLOGY: 04 Patella pellucida. Length 4.6mm. Growth Stage 3 (GS3). September 2016. Yorkshire, England. © P.Lightfoot.