38 Tritia reticulata

38 Tritia reticulata

Single beached T. reticulata found with 219 Tritia nitida.

Distinguishing (British) T. reticulata features:

1: almost flat whorls (except convex on columellar side of body whorl).

2: opaque white parietal lip, semicircular, conceals colour of body whorl.

3: protoconch intact (more often than on T. nitida)

4: siphonal canal meets palatal lip at acute or right angle (80° in this case).

5: unevenly sized teeth within outer lip.

6: some tubercles/teeth on inner lip.

7: usually no labial varix; very slightly developed one on this.

8: neck of siphonal canal has 4 grooves; one is barely visible. This feature cannot be relied on as it is so frequently eroded on both dead and live11 Tritia reticulata shells. So use 4 or 5 to confirm T. reticulata; but those with 3, fewer or none may be either T. nitida or worn T. reticulata.

Height 27.2 mm, Blackwater Estuary, Essex, England, September 2019. Leg. S. Taylor.