42 Myosotella myosotis habitat. Tidal River Dee, Flintshire, Wales. December 2018.

42 Myosotella myosotis habitat. Tidal River Dee, Flintshire, Wales. December 2018.

M. myosotis lives in the upper littoral fringe at, and a little below, the level of EHWS tides at the base of Saltmarsh-grass sward (Puccinellia maritima) along tidal rivers.
V indicates position, at EHWS near transition to terrestrial vascular plants on landfill, of driftwood with many adult and juvenile M. myosotis shown in image 43Mm 43 Myosotella myosotis habitat. Tidal River Dee, Flintshire, Wales. December 2018. .
