53 Patella ulyssiponensis album. COMPARISON image of P. vulgata, shell-length 46mm, that might be mistaken for high profile P. ulyssiponensis.

53 Patella ulyssiponensis album. COMPARISON image of P. vulgata, shell-length 46mm, that might be mistaken for high profile P. ulyssiponensis.

Features similar to P. ulyssiponensis
1: orange foot (but this darker orange than usual on P. ulyssiponensis).
2: amphora-shaped area white with no grey vertex patch.
3: mantle-skirt area white (but only on one side).
Features typical of P. vulgata
4: pallial tentacles pigment-less, colourless, translucent against black background. (Diagnostic of P. vulgata.)
5: pigment-less, colourless, translucent pallial tentacles and mantle edge appear yellow against yellow shell. (Zoom to see – almost invisible.)
6: high shell profile; H/L 52% .
