57 Tritia reticulata COMPARE Tritia nitida

57 Tritia reticulata COMPARE Tritia nitida

Probable T. nitida with features not in ‘Similar species’ section, but mentioned by authors:

“sometimes has a light band at the top of the last whorl (1) and other dark ones above and below it (2) – – –  siphon colour usually blackish (3)” (Rolan & Luque, 1994).

“epidermis [periostracum] inconspicuous, or obscured by an earthy incrustation” (Jeffreys, 1867)  see fig. 58. “Body greyish, – – – closely speckled with flake-white” (Jeffreys, 1867).

This specimen has its cream proboscis with sucker mouth (4), similar to that on T. reticulata, protruding from beneath the head. The reddish buccal mass with rasping radula shows as a reddish patch within it.

Locmariaquer, Bretagne, France. March 2019. © P. Boissel.