96 Patella pellucida album. COMPARISON image of Tectura virginea

96 Patella pellucida album. COMPARISON image of Tectura virginea

Some Tectura virginea, such as this with a blue spot in each link of a chain pattern, are occasionally mistaken for P. pellucida.
Part 1, SHELL FORMS: 02 Patella pellucida. Growth Stage 2 (GS2). July 2012. Littoral. North Yorkshire, England. © P. Lightfoot.
Part 2, BODY & ANATOMY: 03 Patella pellucida. Growth Stage 3 (GS3). 2009. Sublittoral, Farne Islands, Northumberland, England. © P.Lightfoot.
Part, 3 HABITS & ECOLOGY: 04 Patella pellucida. Length 4.6mm. Growth Stage 3 (GS3). September 2016. Yorkshire, England. © P.Lightfoot.