20 Nucella lapillus. Operculum 9.5mm long from adult with shell 40.6mm high. Menai Strait, Wales. June 2013.

20 Nucella lapillus. Operculum 9.5mm long from adult with shell 40.6mm high. Menai Strait, Wales. June 2013.

Broad, angulated, mahogany, non-spiral operculum, nearly opaque as on old adult.
1: narrow band of thin, pale, outer layer extruded near-vertically from transverse groove at anterior of opercular disc; immediately bends towards posterior, covers and is attached to dark lower layer.
Right: thin outer layer has many fine, gently-curving growth lines increasing in length away from 2: nucleus on posterior (labial) edge.
Left: thick inner layer made of stack of six concentric (probably annual) plates (adventitious layers extruded from circles of glands on opercular disc) with 3: excentric nucleus and 4: rough surface where columellar muscle attaches. 5: posterior (labial) margin beyond muscle attachment (25% of total surface) covered by shiny varnish from transverse groove across posterior of opercular disc.